Turbo-charge an expanded cultural economy to drive city retail and services
The cultural economy is the festivals and events, our Central Market and retail, cafes, entertainment, spectator sport, recreation, conventions, food and wine, public and private transport – retail and congregation. We must reduce red tape and market the hell out of our festivals and events – including the winter and spring clusters.
Funding for Success – Local Precinct Main Streets Reform
We need a new model for enhanced assistance to local precincts to foster place-specific main-streets local precincts’ competition and better-resourced coordination. Combine with turbo-charging Renew Adelaide’s efforts at transforming vacant shop-front and upper level activation.
Good Neighbour Program
We can foster public-realm safety and local community spirit between business and residents by augmenting SAPOL’s Neighbourhood Watch to enhance public safety in local communities. A pilot good neighbour program would improve community pride and foster engagement with vulnerable residents and city workers.
Adelaide Park Lands 2050
Develop and implement a dynamic “Adelaide Park Lands 2050” plan – a 30-year plan for enhanced landscaping and public placemaking across currently degraded and under-maintained areas. An exemplar of what resource appropriate landscape design excellence can achieve in our Park Lands is to be found at Pityarilla/Park 19.
Establish Adelaide Park Lands Trust
A charitable trust to assist landscape enhancement programs while maintaining full public ownership. To be stewarded by trusted and respected elders and citizen experts to target blighted areas of our Park Lands.
A new Development Plan for Adelaide City
It is 25 years since the last major review of the Adelaide (City) Development Plan. To create better certainty and guide quality development that respects and protects our built heritage and looks forward, we must encourage tomorrow’s heritage today.
Establish The City of Adelaide Public Art Trust
A public charitable Trust to attract philanthropic and corporate support for growing our city public art collection.